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Generic element customizations, such as the size, position, border, shadow, and corner radius, can be configured from the Properties > Element > Settings tab. Let's take a look!
Use the Type dropdown menu to select and switch between various element types.
You can customize the size of each dashboard element by setting its width and height. Additionally, you can define its position using X and Y coordinates.
Draw borders to highlight your elements. You can specify the border width and color.
The Corner Radius property allows you to adjust the roundness of an element’s corner. A higher value results in more rounded corners, while a value of 0 creates sharp, square corners. You can set a uniform corner radius with the All option or specify the radius for individual corners with the Custom option.
Specify the padding between an element and the border.
Specify the distance between an element and the container.
Select a background color for the element.
You can demarcate each element in your dashboard and highlight them by setting a shadow. Notice how each element stands out when we assign a Blur and Size value.