
Inforiver offers multiple configuration options related to writeback/sync, managed DB etc. Let's go through each of these in detail.

1. General - You can configure the subscription-related settings including insights and comments. To learn more, refer to general.

2. Forecasts- You can configure auto-close settings for forecasts. Learn more about forecast settings.

3. Holidays - Admins can create custom holiday calendars that can be used to auto-close forecasts or keep subscription jobs on hold. Learn more about holiday settings.

4. API token - Admins can create API tokens to trigger subscriptions or refresh semantic models via API calls. Learn more about API tokens.

5. Writeback/sync - You can configure and manage all your subscription connections and their settings. To learn more, refer to writeback/sync.

6. Inforiver managed DB - Here you can learn about Inforiver managed Azure SQL database connection for writeback POC purposes. To learn more, refer to managed DB.

7. Assets - Manage all the assets in the Inforiver visual in a single dashboard. To learn more, refer to assets.

Last updated