Set subscription frequency

Here you can set the frequency at which the subscriptions should be run. It has the following options:

1. Frequency

The frequency at which the scheduler should run. You can select from the following options:

  • Daily - This option will run the scheduler every day. If you want to schedule once every 'x' day(s), you can input 'x' in the 'Once every' input field.

Daily frequency option
  • Weekly - This option will run the scheduler every week. If this option is enabled, the days of the week becomes available, and you can choose the exact day(s) of the week on which you want the scheduler to run.

Weekly frequency option
  • Monthly - Selecting this option will run the scheduler every month. If this option is enabled, the 'Select months' option becomes available, in which you can select the months you want to run the scheduler. You can also specify the exact calendar day or the last day, or select frequencies such as 'First' Monday and Wednesday.

Monthly frequency option
  • Once - Selecting this option will run the scheduler only once. You can specify the exact date and time at which the scheduler should run.

Once frequency option
  • Hourly - On-prem users can get reports delivered multiple times a day. Users can schedule report subscriptions by the hour with the ‘Hourly’ frequency. You can set the interval in hours between runs in the textbox.

Hourly refreshes

2. Start date - End date

This option lets you select the starting and ending date of the schedule using a date picker. You can also select from the preconfigured options such as 'Next month', 'Next 6 months' etc.

Start and end date range

Skip Holidays

You can skip subscription jobs based on a specific holiday calendar. Choose a predefined holiday calendar from the dropdown. Learn more about setting up holiday calendars in the admin console.

3. Scheduled time

Here you can set the exact time along with the time zone at which the scheduler should run.

Scheduled time and timezone

In the next section, we'll look at configuring the subscription destination.

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