Display and themes

Several customization options that are part of the Display settings are also available in the 'Design' tab of the toolbar for improved usability. These are highlighted in the below image.

Display and themes

1. Display

To make the data in the table easier to read, you can display major and minor gridlines. You can also apply a table outline and row/measure highlights. By default, grey lines are used, but they can be customized in the 'Display' settings.

i) Major gridlines

Major gridlines are single or double underlines shown for the parent rows. In the below image, we have selected the 'Double' option in the 'Major gridlines' option. To change the color of the gridline, go to the 'Home' tab -> 'Display' -> General.

Major gridlines

ii) Minor gridlines

Horizontal and vertical minor gridlines are applied to the child rows and all columns in the report. The available options are shown in the below image.

Minor gridlines

iii) Outline

The table outline can be turned on/off by clicking on the 'Outline' icon. When turned off, you can see that there is no solid line separating the row and column headers from the rows and columns.

Table outline

iv) Row highlight

You can highlight the rows using the 'Row highlight' option. The available options are Row hover, Row alternate, Row alternate contrast, and Row alternate flashy. Clicking on 'Row highlight' shows the following dialog box.

Row highlight

The 'Type' dropdown shows the list of options. Select 'Row alternate contrast'. The default colors get applied as shown.

Row alternate contrast

Using the 'Odd color' and 'Even color' color pickers, you can apply custom colors as desired.

Row highlight colors

Using the ‘Measure only highlight’ option, you can apply banded rows only to the measures to recreate some of the popular Excel table layouts.

Measure only highlight

2. Theme

Inforiver offers dark themes for the toolbar and canvas which helps to reduce the strain on your eyes, conserve battery power and enhance the aesthetic appeal of your reports. You can also customize text color, header text color or canvas style.

i) Toolbar

By default, the toolbar follows a light theme. Click on the 'Toolbar' option to apply a dark theme as shown below.

Toolbar option

ii) Canvas

Canvas dark theme can be applied as shown in the below image by clicking on the 'Canvas' icon.

Canvas option

iii) Column Style

By default, Inforiver uses a light canvas, black font, and alternate row highlighting, without fill colors and borders. But all these can be customized using the 'Column Style' option for both Reading and Editing views.

You can choose different cell and text formatting options for the locked cells, data input columns, native measures, and forecast columns - open and closed periods. This enables viewers to identify and differentiate them quickly.

Column Style

The cell and text have been formatted in the below image. Note the different styles applied for native columns, data input columns, and open and closed periods.

Column style options applied

In the next section, we'll be covering commenting & collaboration.

Last updated