Add Source to Bridge

InfoBridge offers powerful data integration. It allows you to import and consolidate data from a variety of sources, including Inforiver, ValQ*, CSV, Excel, JSON, and Parquet files, as well as online services such as Power BI*, OneDrive, and files via HTTPS.

1. Add Inforiver Report to the Bridge

You can add an Inforiver report to the bridge in two ways: from the report or from the console.

1.1. From the report

When you are working on a report and want to add it to a bridge for integration or transformation, you can follow these steps.

  1. Click Add Source to Bridge in the InfoBridge tab.

  1. From the pop-up, use the lookup folder or type in the bridge ID to select the bridge to which you want to add the report.

a) Using the lookup folder/search box

You can search for the required bridge using the lookup folder or search box.

Select the required bridge in the lookup folder, view the bridge details and then click Add to add the report to the bridge.

The source is added to the bridge as Query 2 since the bridge already has a query from Source 1. Click Apply to save changes.

b) Using Bridge ID

If you know the bridge ID, you can directly enter it in the Bridge ID text box.

Copy the bridge ID here.

Paste the bridge ID in the text box below. Verify the bridge details and click Add.

The source is added to the bridge.

1.2. From the console

You can also add a source from the console.

  1. In the InfoBridge console, select the bridge where you wish to add the source.

  1. Upon clicking, the bridge opens the editor interface as shown below. Click Add Source from the toolbar or the working area (in case you are adding the first source).

  1. In the pop-up window, choose the type of source file that you want to add. We will choose 'Inforiver'. Click Next.

  1. Copy-paste the visual identifier of the source in the next window.

  1. The details of the visual are displayed now. Click Add.

  1. The source is added to the bridge as below.

2. Add other sources to the bridge

You can also import Excel, CSV, JSON, Parquet and OneDrive/SharePoint files to the bridge from the console.

  1. In the InfoBridge console, select the bridge where you wish to add the source.

  1. Click Add Source from the tool bar or the working area (in case you are adding the first source).

  1. In the pop-up window, choose the type of source file that you want to add.

2.1. File sources

  1. They are listed under 'File' section.

  1. Choose the type of file and click Next.

  1. You can either link the file using the file path/URL or upload it using the drag and drop option.

  1. After selecting the source file, click Add to add it.

2.2. Online Services

  1. To add files from online services, select the type and click Next.

  2. Enter the URL of the file and click Add.

*Adding ValQ and Power BI reports: This feature is coming soon.

Last updated