
Numeric data can be entered and formatted in a variety of ways. You can either insert a new empty series, copy from another series or insert a forecast.

Let's first look at the steps to insert a numeric data input column. The steps to copy another column as a data input column are covered in 'Copy as data input'.

If you are using Inforiver Enterprise, you need to sign in to start inserting a number column.

1. Create a column

Select the 'Number' option in the dropdown. You will see three different options to create a column: Insert a new empty series, Copy from another series, and Insert a forecast. Let's go through each of these methods.

i) Insert a new empty series

If you select this option, a visual measure gets inserted as shown below. There is a side panel that provides several customization options.

The available properties are:

  • Insert as: A column or measure can be inserted. If there is a column hierarchy, the input column is inserted for each category. In case of no column hierarchy, a single column is inserted.

  • Input type: The type of data input column; can be changed from the initial selection before creating the column by clicking on 'Create'.

  • Row aggregation type: By default, totals, and subtotals are defined as the sum of child rows. There are several other options such as average, minimum, maximum, etc.

  • Distribute parent value to children: The values entered at a parent level are distributed to the child rows when enabled. This is very useful when creating budgets or forecasts.

  • Allow input: By default, inputs are enabled in both read and edit modes. But, based on your requirement, you can allow inputs only in edit mode or based on a formula.

  • Description: Option to add a note for reference

Change the title and go with the default for the other properties. Click 'Create'.

The measure gets inserted and the column grand total also gets enabled.

Learn how to enter a value in an empty numeric column in the Enter a value section.

ii) Copy from another series

If you select this option, you will see a sub-option with all the measures/forecasts present in the report. You can select any series to create a numeric column with all the data copied from the chosen series.

A visual measure gets inserted as shown below. There is a side panel that provides several customization options. Change the title and go with the default for the other properties. Click 'Create'.

The newly created numeric column will be pre-populated with the data of the chosen series.

In the below image, a numeric column is created by copying the data from '2021 Actuals' and the created column is pre-populated with the copied data.

2. Enter a value

To enter a value, double-click a cell and type in the formula bar that opens on the top.

The entered value is captured and is also automatically rolled up to the parent.

3. Properties

To open the data input side panel, click on 'Manage' and the 'Pencil' icon as highlighted.

The side panel opens. The input type is greyed out. This is because once a data input column is created, the type of column cannot be changed.

i) Row aggregation type

Row aggregation type defines the aggregation method to be followed for the total and sub-total rows. By default, the subtotal and total rows are calculated as the sum of the child rows, as can be seen in the below image.

Click on the 'Row aggregation type' dropdown. The types of row aggregations are shown below. Click on the desired type and click 'Update'.

In the below image, 'Maximum' has been chosen. The highlighted cells, which are the row subtotals, get updated.

ii) Distribute parent value to children

When a value is entered in a subtotal or total row, the value can be distributed to the child rows.

In the below image, 220m entered in the subtotal has been distributed equally to the subregions.

There are several other ways to distribute values which will be covered in Budgeting & allocations.

This distribution can be disabled if not required for certain scenarios. Uncheck the 'Distribute parent value to children' checkbox.

iii) Min and max range

When you need to define a range for the data input values, you can use the fields highlighted in the below image. Note that these are enabled only when the 'Distribute parent value to children' checkbox is unchecked.

In the dropdown, you can see that there are two ways of defining ranges. Click on 'Static'.

The input field gets enabled. Enter a value as shown.

Let's define a maximum value using a measure. Select 'Measure' and '2022 Actuals' from the dropdown list. Click 'Update'.

Enter a value that is not within the defined range. Double-click on a cell and type in the formula bar. Click 'Enter'.

You can see an error message that shows the allowed range for this particular cell. The maximum is 82m as that is the value of 2022 Actuals.

Values within the defined range are captured as shown in the below image.

4. Copy as data input

There might be cases where you want to create a budget for the current year based on the prior year's budget and then make finer adjustments. In such cases, Inforiver provides the 'Copy as data input' option.

Click on the column gripper corresponding to the measure you want to use as the base. Select 'Copy as data input' from the 'Insert' option.

A measure gets created with the same values. You can rename it and customize other properties such as row aggregation type or allow input using the side panel.

To edit values, double-click on a cell and enter as shown in the formula bar.

The values get updated and are also distributed or rolled up to the child and parent cells respectively.

In the next section, we'll be looking at dropdown input columns.

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