Miscellaneous settings
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When the Visual context menu option is enabled, a context menu is displayed by right-clicking a row.
When the Header Word Wrap option is enabled, the header content is wrapped according to the height of the cell. The image below shows how the headers are displayed when the header word wrap option is disabled.
You will be able to see the entire header when word wrap is enabled.
This option lets you add quick shortcut icons in the Actions section. The Undo, Redo, Export as Excel, and Best Fit options are selected by default. You can select additional options including Export PDF, Aggregation, and Smart Analysis. The shortcuts for all the selected options will be displayed in the Actions section.
You can click on the Inforiver logo at the bottom right-hand corner of the visual to get a synopsis of the report. You can quickly verify the license details and statistics like the number of measures and rows in your report. The Show Info Logo option needs to be enabled in miscellaneous settings.
You can disable this option if you do not wish to see pop-up notifications and info messages.
Enabling this option will sort measures based on the magnitude, irrespective of whether a value is positive or negative.
Notice how the values are sorted based on magnitude when absolute sort is turned on.
If you are using image URLs as measure headers, enable the Fill Image toggle to expand the image and fill the entire measure header cell.
The column or measure headers will hidden if this option is disabled.
Inforiver supports planning, budgeting, and forecasting for fiscal periods as well. You can set the start month of the fiscal year using this option.
When the main toolbar has been unpinned, you will still be able to apply cell-level formatting, show/hide cell values, and add comments using the floating toolbar. Disable this option if you do not require the floating toolbar.
This option can be enabled if you wish to mask your data and generate random values when the data is being shared and security is a concern.
If this option is enabled, report users in the reading view can update native measures.
You can increase the thickness of the horizontal and vertical scrollbars using by enabling this option.
When you choose the ‘Uniform’ number format, the scaling information (whether the numbers are in hundreds, thousands, millions, etc.) is not displayed in the measure headers and is mentioned only in the report header.
To display the scaling factor in the measure headers when using uniform scaling, navigate to Display Settings > Misc and enable the Scaling in Measure Header toggle.
Inforiver’s pin rows feature enables you to tag important rows in your data at the top of your report. Using this feature creates duplicate rows at the visual level (there is no change to your data). In the report below, notice how the pinned rows such as ‘Bookcases’ are repeated in the table below.
You can enable the Hide pinned base rows option to hide the actual row and retain only the pinned rows.
Inforiver supports English (the default language), German, French, and Spanish interfaces. You can choose one of the options. In the report below, all the menus, tabs, and options in Inforiver have been switched to French.
Inforiver allows you to dynamically filter and analyze data within the visual with the KPI explorer feature. Consider that you have a dashboard containing multiple Inforiver visuals, including Analytics+. When the Explorer cross filtering option is enabled, the KPI explorer selections made in one Inforiver visual will automatically filter the data in all the Inforiver visuals on that page.
In the gif below, notice how the Analytics+ visual and the second Inforiver visual are dynamically filtered based on the KPI selection in the main Inforiver visual.
When you have actual and forecast measures in your report, if the AC values are missing for a particular category, Inforiver can populate FC values instead of AC.
Reports with RTL support improve the user experience for readers of RTL languages, making it easier for them to navigate, understand, and interpret the information presented. When the right-to-left option is enabled:
Data is arranged from right to left, notice how the months are arranged from December to January.
The row categories are displayed on the right-hand side.
Toolbar options are arranged from right to left.
You can optionally remove the border box that is rendered when a cell/column/row is selected. The border-box will not be displayed when the Selection Border toggle is disabled from display settings.
Easily filter your data by keying in the value in the search textboxes that are enabled when you turn on this toggle. Click the filter icon to select the comparison.
You can show/hide the status bar with this option. If this option is enabled, the Status Panel Aggregation option becomes available.
The Status Panel Aggregation option allows you to show the aggregation such as sum, average, min, max, and count for the values selected in the visual. In the below example, you can see the sum, average, and count aggregation for the selected values/measure in the status bar.
Only a maximum of three aggregations are displayed in the status bar.
Inforiver provides a global error handling setting that internally handles missing reference errors and converts the missing values to 0 when used in calculations.
Consider that you are deriving the standard deviation for beverages across EMEA and APAC regions.
If EMEA data is not available, the calculation will still work seamlessly in the report without throwing errors.
Notice how a missing reference error is displayed when the error handling setting is disabled.
This option allows you to identify the edited/modified cell values in the visual. If you enable this option, the modified cell values are indicated by a pencil icon next to the corresponding values.
You can identify manually inserted rows by enabling this option. A pencil icon is displayed next to data input or calculated rows.
This option allows you to identify if the original row labels are modified in the visual. If you enable this option, the modified row labels are indicated by an edit icon next to the corresponding label.
Changing the width of one column will change the width of all other columns accordingly when this option is enabled. If this option is disabled, the width of every single column can be changed individually. In the below image, the width of the Qtr 2 column alone is modified.
This option allows you to adjust the spacing between the columns. If this option is turned on, you can specify the required column spacing in the input field.
The minimum and maximum values of column spacing are 0 and 20 respectively.
You can select a custom icon for pinned rows and columns. Choose 'None' to remove the added pin icon.
Inforiver offers customizations for the tooltip in the reading view.
4.1. Scaled tooltip for numbers - Enabling this option will display the values in a scaled format in the tooltip.
4.2. Custom decimals - Enabling this option lets you customize the decimal points to be displayed in the tooltip
4.3. Decimal places - Field where you can enter the number of decimal places
The below image shows the values in a scaled format with one decimal point as specified.