Number settings

The number tab in the Display settings is used for formatting the numbers in the report.

Under the Numbers section, you can find the following options for formatting the numbers in the report:

1. Semantic format

Semantic formatting lets you highlight or emphasize positive and negative values.

By enabling the toggle, you can see new fields using which you can customize the color for positive, negative, and neutral values. You can also choose the format for displaying the positive and negative values from the drop-down.

2. Value display

This section provides options for null and zero display, decimal and thousand separators, and more.

2.1. Show (-ve) sign

This option lets you show the negative numbers within parentheses as shown in the below image.

The 'Show (-ve) sign' checkbox is enabled only when the 'Semantic formatting' toggle is turned off.

2.2. Sign in headers

If all the values in a particular row are negative, the category label will be prefixed with the minus (-) symbol - indicating that every cell in that row should be multiplied by -1.

When Sign in Headers is enabled, additional options are displayed:

  • Show positive sign

The show poor rows positive sign will prefix a plus (+) symbol before the category label for rows that contain only positive values.

  • Show equal on totals

The total and subtotal category labels will be prefixed with an equal to (=) symbol.

2.3. Null

You can display a null value using blank, zero, hyphen, or enter custom text.

When Custom is selected from the drop-down, the Null text option is enabled, where you can provide the desired text (a maximum of six characters).

In the below image, the hyphen is used to represent the null value.

2.4. Null as zero for calculation

Reports will often contain null cells which may be used in calculated columns. In the report below, the Depreciation field is calculated based on the Sales measure which has null values. Consequently, the Depreciation measure also contains null data.

When calculations involve measures that contain null values, you can replace the nulls with zeroes by enabling the Null as zero for calculation toggle.

2.5. Zero

Similar to null values, you can display a zero value using blank, zero, hyphen, or enter custom text.

When 'Custom' is selected from the drop-down, the 'Zero text' option is enabled, where you can provide the desired text (a maximum of six characters).

2.6. Max decimal precision

You can set the maximum number of digits to display after the decimal point.

2.7. Decimal separator

You can insert the desired decimal separator in this field. By default, dot (.) is used.

2.8. Thousand separator

You can insert the desired thousand separator in this field. By default, comma (,) is used.

2.9. Suppress calculation errors

This option can be used to hide calculation errors. You can also define custom error text that will be displayed in case of calculation errors.

2.10. Blank row label

By default, blank rows are identified as '(Blank)'. This can be customized by entering the desired text in the field.

2.11. Customize for Indian numbering system

Inforiver displays numbers in millions, billions, and trillions. When the Customize for Indian Numbering system option is enabled, the Quick format dropdown will also list lakhs and crores as number formatting options.

2.12. Blank column label

If you have blank dimension categories in your columns, Inforiver replaces the empty column headers with "(Blank)". You can provide alternate text to use in the Blank Column Label textbox.

3. Unit

This section lets you specify the labels for units and left-align prefixes.

3.1. Left-align prefix

By default, the prefix is displayed right before the number. The image below indicates how the prefixes are displayed before enabling the left-align prefix option.

On enabling the left-align prefix option, the prefix is aligned to the left of the cell.

3.2. Right-align suffix

Similar to the left-align prefix option, you can align the suffix to the right side of a cell.

3.3. Custom label

This option lets you customize the unit labels. Once you turn on the toggle, additional options are displayed: Column scaling label, Short, Medium, and Large text fields. The default settings are shown in the below image.

The customized 'Medium' column scaling label is shown.

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