Create rule

You can build your own conditional formatting rules from scratch in a detailed manner or customize the rules created using the one-click options if your report requires it.

In this section, we'll cover some of the basic settings related to conditional formatting.

a) To create a new rule, select Home -> Conditional Formatting -> Create Rule. A conditional formatting window opens as shown in the below image.

Create rule

b) The rule can be renamed by editing the 'Title' field.

c) You can apply conditional formatting to the row headers, rows, column headers, or columns/measures. Choose the desired option in the 'Apply to' field.

d) You can apply conditional formatting to values and totals, totals only or values only. By default, 'Values only' will be selected. Customize as required using the 'Row hierarchy levels' field.

Apply to - Options
Row hierarchy levels - Options

e) There are a number of conditional formatting formats that you can use to create rules. You can select the desired format using the ‘Format by’ field. The available options are Rules (If Conditions), Color Scale, Classification and Ranking.

Format by - Options

In the next section, we'll be covering Rules (If conditions).

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